Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Tri-Monster Movie Model

I tend to categorize all monster movies under one of three categories. Each category is complex and can't be easily described, however each category just so happens to have one of the 3 mega-monster movies of the past 30 years. Those movies are Jaws, Alien and Jurassic Park. These three monster movies and their first sequels are practically the only respected monster movies in the industry (by casual movie goers).

The Jaws Category

Terror strikes an unsuspecting town, city, village, the world, etc. Most of the characters are nameless, insignificant, and you'll likely find scenes where several people get killed at once. This is my least favorite category. Examples: Jaws, The Host, Eight Legged Freaks, Aliens vs Predator 2, Snakes on a Plane.

The Alien Category

An elite group of people find themselves in trouble and have to find a way to survive. The number of people ranges from about 4 to 12 and you at least know the names of everyone. This is my favorite category. Examples: Anacondas, Rogue, The Descent, The Thing, Alien.

The Jurassic Park: Lost World Category

This category is a bit of a mix of the two others. You have a significant group of characters but they are either dispersed or may include hordes of some insignificant characters. There's less order to the "boot-order" of the characters. Examples: King Kong, The Mist, Aliens, Jurassic Park: The Lost World, Starship Troopers.